VOiCES∞ - Workshop Concert with VOCES8

The project “VOiCES∞” is a collaborative initiative involving six Berlin-based choirs (cantamusberlin, Charité Chor Berlin, Embassy Singers, Frauenchor der Künste, Kammerchor der Künste, Neuer Männerchor Berlin) under the professional guidance of VOCES8, one of the world’s most renowned vocal ensembles from England. Through “VOiCES∞,” the inspiring impulses of the ensemble are brought to life during a workshop day for the participating choirs, aiming to spark sustainable musical and personal growth. As an emotional finale, a closing concert takes place at the end of the day, where all 180 singers put what they have learned into practice and perform together on stage. VOCES8 will also sing during this event.

If you are interested in observing the workshops during the day in addition to attending the concert, please register by emailing orga@charitechorberlin.de with your name and email address. Workshop guests are welcome to actively participate in a 30-minute warm-up at 9:30 a.m. and then watch VOCES8 work with the participating choirs.

The project is funded by the DKLB-Stiftung.

Where does the event happen? Universität der Künste, Großer Konzertsaal
Hardenbergstrasse, Ecke Fasanenstrasse
10623 Berlin

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